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Setting Sections for Reporting

How To:

To select model components to be documented in the report, using the RTF Style Template Editor, follow the steps below:



See Also


Expand the Sections tree on the <template name> screen



Select the checkbox next to the component name; the component name is then displayed as a section tag in the Content panel

More specific guidance is provided for selecting the following components:

  • Linked Documents and Document Artifact Contents
  • Tabular Sections
  • Embedded Sections
  • Child Sections
  • Constraint and Scenario Sections
  • Reporting elements held in external packages
  • Tagged Values
  • Profiled Relationship Matrices

Reporting Linked Documents

Tabular Sections

Embedded Elements Sections

Child Sections

Constraint and Scenario Sections

Report Elements From External Packages

Tagged Value Sections

Reporting Profiled Relationship Matrices


Add content to each report component

The position of the section tags within the Sections tree determines the position of the model component in the Content panel; for encapsulated components, selecting a child component automatically selects the parent also

Add Section Content

How To:

To move a model component to a different position in the documentation template, follow the steps below



See Also


Select the component in the Sections panel



Click on uphand and downhand to move the component up and down the Sections panel



  • To enable you to include elements from external packages, if the Package.Diagram.Element checkboxes are selected, you must select either the Document each contained element in RTF checkbox in the Diagram Properties dialog for at least one included diagram, or the Include all diagram elements in report checkbox on the Generate RTF Documentation dialog

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