Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Use MS Word

When Enterprise Architect only supported the 'Legacy' RTF Report Generator, MS Word provided many additional features in RTF report generation.

However, as the 'enhanced' RTF Report Generator has been developed within Enterprise Architect, the facilities provided by Word have been incorporated into the RTF Generator or otherwise rendered unnecessary. It is therefore likely that you would no longer have any  requirement to use Word in generating your RTF reports.

These topics on the use of MS Word are therefore included only to support users who are still working with the 'Legacy' RTF Report Generator, or who are using Word for personal preference.




See also


To further enhance and customize RTF documentation it is possible to create a custom master document, which can be used to add a table of contents, table of figures, headers and footers and to refresh linked files

In addition it is possible to create documents with sustainable links to generated 'pieces' of Enterprise Architect output, pre-divided by Enterprise Architect using bookmarks

As an alternative to the Word master document and to RTF Bookmarking, internal to Enterprise Architect, see Virtual Documents

In addition to creating Word master documents, you can:

  • Open a Report in Microsoft Word
  • Change Linked Images to Embedded
  • Apply Other Features of Word

RTF Bookmarks

Virtual Documents

Open a Report in Microsoft Word

Change Linked Images to Embedded

Other Features of Word


  • You can develop a report using the combined facilities of Word and Enterprise Architect with few problems, as long as you leave definition of the section styles to the final stages in Enterprise Architect just prior to report generation
    Word truncates the section bookmarks, as it uses a smaller field length for sections
    In Word, you can review and edit reports generated by Enterprise Architect, but you cannot import them back into Enterprise Architect without damaging the section style definition