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Source Code Options
When you generate code for a particular language, you can set certain options. These include:
- Create a default constructor
- Create a destructor
- Generate copy constructor
- Select default language
- Generate methods for implemented interfaces
- Set the Unicode options for code generation
Access: Tools | Options | Source Code Engineering
Use to:
- Configure code generation options
Field |
Usage |
See also |
Always synchronize with existing file (recommended) |
Indicates that imported code synchronizes with an existing file |
Replace (overwrite) existing source file |
Indicates that imported code overwrites an existing source file |
Component Types |
Allows for the importation of component types, this opens the Import component types dialog |
Default Language for Code Generation: |
Indicates the default coding language used in code generation |
Wrap long comment lines at: |
Specifies the line length to wrap comments within |
Auto Layout Diagram on Import: |
Specifies if and when a diagram is automatically generated on code import |
Output file use both CR & LF |
Indicates if carriage return and line feed is a used; ensure that this option is set according to what operating system is currently in use as code might not render correctly |
Prompt when synchronizing (reversing) |
Ensures that a prompt displays when synchronization occurs |
Remove hard breaks from comments on import |
Indicates that hard breaks are removed from commented sections on importation |
Auto generate role names when creating code |
Indicates that role names are generated when creating code |
Do not generate role names when creating code |
Indicates that role names are not generated when creating code |
Do not generate members where association direction is "Unspecified" |
If association direction is "unspecified", members are not generated |
Create dependencies for operation returns and parameter types |
Creates dependencies for operation returns and parameter types |
Comments: Generate |
Indicates that comments are generated |
Comments: Reverse |
Indicates that reverse comments are generated |
Remove prefixes when generating Get/Set properties |
Enables specification of prefixes used in your variable naming conventions, if those prefixes should be removed in the variables' corresponding get/set functions |
Treat as suffixes |
Treats the prefixes defined within Remove prefixes when generating Get/Set properties as suffixes |
Capitalized Attribute Name for properties |
Capitalizes Attribute names for properties |
Use "Is" for Boolean property Get() |
Indicates that the Is keyword is used for the Boolean property Get() |
Code page for source editing |
Specifies the character embedding format |
- It is worthwhile to configure these settings, as they serve as the defaults for all Classes in the model; you can override these on a per-Class basis using the custom settings (from the Code Generation dialog)