Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Connect to the Interface
All development environments capable of generating ActiveX Com clients can connect to the Enterprise Architect Automation Interface.
By way of example, the following sections describe how to connect using several such tools. The procedure might vary slightly with different versions of these products.
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
Step |
Action |
See also |
1 |
Create a new project.
2 |
Select the Project | References menu option.
3 |
Select Enterprise Architect Object Model 2.0 from the list. If this does not appear, go to the command line and re-register Enterprise Architect using:
4 |
See the general library documentation on the use of Classes. The following example creates and opens a repository object: Public Sub ShowRepository() Dim MyRep As New EA.Repository MyRep.OpenFile "c:\eatest.eap" End Sub
Borland Delphi 7.0
Step |
Action |
See also |
1 |
Create a new project.
2 |
Select the Project | Import Type Library menu option.
3 |
Select Enterprise Architect Object Model 2.0 from the list. If this does not appear, go to the command line and re-register Enterprise Architect using:
4 |
Click on the Create Unit button.
5 |
Include EA_TLB in Project1's Uses clause.
6 |
See the general library documentation on the use of Classes. The following example creates and opens a repository object: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var r: TRepository; b: boolean; begin r:= TRepository.Create(nil); b:= r.OpenFile('c:\eatest.eap'); end;
Microsoft C#
Step |
Action |
See also |
1 |
Select the Visual Studio Project | Add Reference menu option.
2 |
Click on the Browse tab.
3 |
Navigate to the folder in which you installed Enterprise Architect; usually:
Program Files/Sparx Systems/EA
4 |
See the general library documentation on the use of Classes. The following example creates and opens a repository object:
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { EA.Repository r = new EA.Repository(); r.OpenFile("c:\\eatest.eap"); }
Step |
Action |
See also |
1 |
Copy the file:
from the Java API subdirectory of your installed directory, usually:
Program Files/Sparx Systems/EA
into any location within the Windows PATH
windows\system32 directory.
2 |
Copy the file
from the Java API subdirectory of your installed directory, usually:
Program Files/Sparx Systems/EA
to a location in the Java CLASSPATH or where the Java class loader can find it at run time.
3 |
All of the Classes described in the documentation are in the package org.sparx. See the general library documentation for their use. The following example creates and opens a repository object: public void OpenRepository() { org.sparx.Repository r = new org.sparx.Repository(); r.OpenFile("c:\\eatest.eap"); }