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Customize Keyboard Shortcuts

The Keyboard tab on the Customize dialog enables you to configure shortcuts used to access main menu options. This is convenient for creating additional shortcut keys or for changing the current configuration to match your work habits or other applications.

Access    Tools | Customize

How to

To modify a keyboard shortcut



See also


Select the Customize menu option.

The Customize dialog displays.




Click on the Keyboard tab.

In the Category field click on the drop-down arrow and select the menu containing the command to modify.




In the Command field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the command.

The current shortcut key (if any) for the command is displayed in the Current Keys field.




Move the cursor to the Press New Shortcut Key field and press the required shortcut key(s) for this command.

Press the actual keys to use; for example, to use ( F5 ) press the ( F5 ) key, don't type F then 5.

The Assign button might be disabled if the selected keyboard shortcut is already used for another command; if this occurs the already existing command is shown and you must select a different shortcut key.




Once you have selected an available shortcut, click on the Assign button to apply the change.




Adding a keyboard shortcut to a command that already has a keyboard shortcut creates multiple shortcuts for a single command.

You can remove the previous shortcut by selecting it and clicking on the Remove button.




Modified shortcut keys are stored in the registry, so they only affect the current user
You can revert to the default shortcut keys at any time, by clicking on the Reset All button