Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Diagram Toolbar

The Diagram toolbar provides tools to lay out and improve the appearance of diagrams, including zoom controls to better manage large diagrams and quickly identify key areas of interest. The Diagram toolbar can be docked to any main window edge or floated freely in a convenient location for quick access.

Access     View | Toolbars | Diagram Tools

Use to

Layout diagrams
Set element Z-Order
Navigate between current open diagrams
Zoom in and out
Access properties and delete elements






See also

Align Left

Align the selected elements to the left.


Ctrl + Alt +


Align Right

Align the selected elements to the right.


Ctrl + Alt +


Align Top

Align the selected elements to the top.

Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow


Align Bottom

Align the selected elements to the bottom.


Ctrl + Alt +


Z Order Top

Bring the selected element to the top of the Z order.



Diagram Context Menu

Z Order Bottom

Move the selected element to the bottom of the Z order.



Previous diagram

Go to the previous diagram.


Alt +


Next Diagram

Go to the next diagram.


Alt +


Default Diagram

Go to the default diagram.




Zoom In

Zoom into the diagram.




Zoom Out

Zoom out of the diagram.




Zoom to fit diagram

Zoom to fit the diagram.




Zoom to fit page

Zoom to fit the page.




Zoom to 100%

Zoom to 100% of display size.




Diagram Auto-layout

Auto-layout the diagram (not for Behavioral diagrams) in the Digraph layout.



Digraph layout

Diagram Properties

Show the diagram properties.




Paste Appearance

Paste the diagram appearance as copied into the Painter from an element's Appearance context menu.



Appearance context menu


Delete the selected element(s).


Ctrl + D



Any actions that result in a change in diagram content and appearance (including Zoom) are saved as changes to the diagram
You can move this toolbar to any dockable position and it retains that position in subsequent sessions
You can hide or show the toolbar by clicking on the View | Toolbars | Diagram menu option