Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Generate Test Cases

When you select a scenario and click on the Test Case Generation icon in the window toolbar, Enterprise Architect prompts you to select to generate either an Internal Test Case or an External Test Case.




See also

Internal Test Case

A test is generated for the basic path and each alternate and exception path in the scenario, and added to the selected element.

In addition, for each step in the basic, alternate and exception paths that has a value in the Results column, a test is generated and added to the selected element.

A diagram is created under the selected element, to which the selected element and a Note (showing the element's Structured Specification) is added.

The created tests are displayed in the Test Scripts compartment of the selected element on the diagram.

Another way to view these tests is to click on the element and display the Testing window.

These generated tests are written to the Scenario test tab of the Testing window; you can move the tests to another test-type tab if required.


Show Test Scripts compartment

The Testing Window

Move Or Copy Tests Between Categories

External Test Case

A Test Case element is created, linked to the selected element using the Trace connector.

A diagram is created under this Test Case element, to which the selected element, the Test Case element and a Note (showing the element's Structured Specification) is added.

The created tests are displayed in the Test Scripts compartment of the Test Case element on the diagram.

A test case is generated and added to the Test Case element for the basic path, and for each alternate and exception path.

In addition, for each step in the basic, alternate and exception paths that has a value in the Results column, a test is generated and added to the Test Case element.

You can review the tests within the Test Case element using the Testing window, as for Internal Test Cases.


Show Test Scripts compartment

Test Case
