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Linked Documents

When you are developing elements in your model, you might want to provide extensive documentation on an element, to provide more structured text than you can create in the element Notes field. In this case, you can create a formatted RTF document that is linked to the element. You can create linked documents from scratch, or from Linked Document Templates that you define with the Linked Document Template Editor. The linked documents are held within the model.

Working with Linked Documents



See also

Create linked documents

You can create a linked document either:

Within a Document Artifact element attached to your model element or
Directly attached to the UML element


Create Document Artifact

Link Document to UML Element


Create linked document templates

You create templates on which to base your linked documents in the Resources window, within the Templates > Linked Document Templates folder.


Create Linked Document Templates

Edit linked documents

You can define the style, format and layout of your linked RTF document both in the template from which you create the document and in the document itself.

Edit Linked Document Templates

Edit Linked Documents


Hyperlinks in linked documents

Linked documents are intimately associated with specific elements, and you can create hyperlinks in the document directly to other elements in the model. Having followed the link, you can perform any normal operation on that element.

Similarly, you can create new elements or diagrams to link to.

You can also create hyperlinks to other forms of documentation.


Hyperlink From Linked Document

Create Element From Document

Include linked documents in RTF reports

Linked documents and documents created via the Document Artifact element are rendered into RTF reports when you select the Linked Document checkbox in the Document Template Designer.


Reporting Linked Documents

Delete linked documents

You can completely remove a linked document from an element, or you can remove the contents of the document and replace them with the contents of an external file.


Replace or Delete Documents


You can create a Document Artifact element to contain a linked document in all editions of Enterprise Architect
You can create and link an RTF document to any UML element in the model, in the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect
When you have saved the linked document, an A symbol displays in the bottom right corner of the element

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