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Paste Activities

You can paste an Activity from the Project Browser into the current diagram.




See also

Pasting Activities

When you drag an Activity from the Project Browser onto the current diagram, The Paste Element dialog displays, prompting you to select the type of paste action to carry out. (If the dialog does not display, press and hold ( Ctrl )  while dragging the element onto the diagram.)

Two options are available:

Paste the Activity as a link: in this case the Activity appears in the current diagram as a simple reference to the original source Activity. Changes to the Activity in the diagram affect all other links to this Activity
Paste as an invocation of the Activity; if you select this option, the Copy connectors checkbox is enabled. If you select this checkbox, any connectors between the original Activity and any other elements that have also been pasted to this diagram are reproduced as connectors between the instances


For details of the other options on this dialog, see the Paste from Project Browser topic.


Paste from Project Browser

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