Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Maintain Users

If you enable security you have access to the Security Users dialog, which you can use to set up more users for your model.

Access    Project | Security | Manage Users

Use to

Define the user IDs and initial passwords for the users that are to have access to the model

How to

To set up a user for your model



See also


Select the Manage Users menu option.

The Security Users dialog displays, which you can use to set up new users by providing their name and other details

You can also:

Import User IDs from a Windows Active Directory
Assign User IDs to User Groups
Set up single permissions for a user
View all permissions for the currently selected user


Import User IDs from a Windows Active Directory

Assign User IDs to Groups

Single Permissions

View All


To identify a new user on this dialog, click on the New button and type in the user's login ID, first name and last name.

If required, also provide the user's department name.




To set the user's password, click on the Change Password button.

The Change Password dialog displays.




In the New password field, type the user's password.

This must be 12 characters or less in length.




In the Retype new field, type the user's password again, for confirmation.




Click on the OK button.

A Password Changed message displays.




Click on the OK button.




When you have entered the details for the user, click on the Save button.




Click on either the:

New button to add another user, or
Close button to exit the Security Users dialog




You must have Security - Manage Users permission to maintain users, and Change Password permission to change the password of the current user; the initial Admin administrator automatically has these permissions
You can transport the user definitions between models as Reference Data, using the Project | Model Import/Export | Export Reference Data and Import Reference Data options
If you select the Accept Windows Authentication checkbox, when a user opens the model Enterprise Architect checks the user's database for their Windows ID and, if it matches, automatically logs the user in without prompting for a password
The Accept Windows Authentication checkbox enables the Import button, which you can select to import user IDs from a Windows Active Directory
As a security measure, the Accept Windows Authentication checkbox is automatically deselected if the project .eap file is moved to a different location; once the file has been relocated, you can select the checkbox again to apply Windows authentication from the new database

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