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Resource Allocation

In Enterprise Architect, the Project Manager can connect a named resource in a named role to a given model element.

To select the element to which to allocate resources, click on the required element in the Project Browser.

Access     View | More Element Tools | Project Management > Resource Allocation: New (Ctrl+Shift+7)

Use to

Track how far development of required components and Classes has progressed

How to

To enter resource allocation details for an element



See also


Select the element in the Project Browser.




Select the Project Management menu option.

The Project Management window displays, showing the Resource Allocation tab.


The Project Management Window


Click on the New icon on the Project Management window toolbar.




On the Resource Allocation tab enter the:

Name of the resource (click on the drop-down arrow and select, or type the name in)
Role of the resource (click on the drop-down arrow and select, or type the name in)
Start and end date for the availability of the resource
Time allocated to the resource
Percentage of the task the resource has completed
Expected time allocated to the resource
Actual time expended by the resource
Description of the work being done by the resource (this text is also displayed in the Notes window; it cannot be edited in that window)
Notes on the activity history of the work done by the resource (this text is also displayed in the Notes window; it cannot be edited in that window)




Click on the Save icon in the Project Management window toolbar.




To edit existing Resource Allocation items for this element, click on the required item in the:
List panel to the left of the window, in Item mode
List, in List mode
Project Management folder in the Element Browser window - if this window is not displayed, click on the Browse Element icon in the Project Management window toolbar; resource allocation item icons have an R in the bottom right corner

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