Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Create Model Document

You can create as many Model Document elements as are necessary to provide the sections of your generated document (under a Master Document) or to provide the independent documents you require.

How to

To create a Model Document element



See also



Open the child Custom diagram of the Master Document element you have created or
If you are creating independent Model Documents, create a new Documentation diagram (Extended | Documentation in the New Diagram dialog)


The new diagram can live anywhere in the model hierarchy, outside the packages you are adding to the document; you could create a diagram called Documentation within a specific Documentation package, and use this to hold the independent Model Document elements for your virtual documents.

You can also create Model Documents on any convenient type of diagram, but you must remember to select the correct Toolbox page, (see step 2).

Create Master Document

Add New Diagrams


From the Documentation page of the Toolbox (More tools | Documentation) drag the Model Document icon onto the diagram to create a new Model Document element.

Give the element an appropriate name: for example, if the documentation is relevant to the shopping cart requirements of a model, you could call it ShoppingCartReqDocumentation.

Click on the OK button.




If you are creating a Model Document element for an HTML report, go now to the Add Packages to Model Document topic.

Otherwise, open the Tagged Values window (View | Tagged Values) and click on the Model Document element.

The RTFTemplate, SearchName and SearchValue Tagged Values display in the window.


Add Packages to Model Document


Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the RTFTemplate field, and click on the template to use for this Model Document.




If you are creating a list of packages for the Model Document, go now to the Add Packages to Model Document topic.

Otherwise, click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the SearchName field, and click on the model search type to populate this Model Document.

Remember that, in a Model Document for an RTF report, you should not define both a list of packages and a search; if both are present, when you generate the RTF document Enterprise Architect works from the package list only.


Add Packages to Model Document


If necessary, type a search term in the SearchValue field.




Create further Model Document elements as required.

Your Model Document element appears in the Project Browser with a Class icon, as shown below:




When you have created all the required Model Document elements, see the Document Order topic.


Document Order


Diagram Searches are not supported
Custom SQL searches are supported if they are returning elements; the SQL must include ea_guid AS CLASSGUID and the object type

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