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Insert Images, Objects and Frames

In creating your RTF document or template, you might want to embed or display images and other objects in the text, to insert external information and/or structure the text and graphics on a page. You could insert, for example:

An image in the text or as background to the text
A link to an image in the text
An Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) object, which you create and edit in the document using an external application
A frame - a rectangular border within the text that can contain separate text and pictures, and that the existing text flows around
A drawing object - a rectangle, text box or line that can sit over the existing text
Another RTF file

Having inserted an object, you can subsequently move, edit or delete it.

Access    Select options from the menu bar at the top of the Document Editor window, or right-click within either:
                 -  The Content panel of the Document Template Designer or
                 -  The text area of the document

Insert items



See also

Insert a picture in the document

You can insert a picture bitmap or Windows metafile in your document as either an embedded picture or a link to the external picture file.

Position the cursor at the point at which to insert the picture, and select either:

Insert | Embed Picture ( F8 ) or
Insert | Link Picture


A browser dialog displays, through which you select the picture to insert in the document; the picture is shown at the current cursor location.

The embedded picture is saved within the document; only the filename of the linked picture is saved with the document, which is a better option if you intend to edit the picture over time.



Embed an OLE object in the text

Position the cursor at the point at which to embed the object, and select the Insert | OLE Object menu option.

The Insert Object dialog displays, listing the applications that are available to create the object.

When you select an application, the editor launches it and you create the  object; when you save the application, the editor inserts an icon or view that represents the inserted object.

You can also use the Edit | Paste Special menu option to import OLE objects, provided that the object is available in the clipboard.

You can later edit the object using the application, by double-clicking on the object or by selecting the Edit | Edit OLE Object menu option.







Scroll, Search and Select Text

Change the size and alignment of an embedded picture

Click on the picture and select the Edit | Edit Picture menu option; the Edit Current Picture Parameters dialog displays, through which you can change the height and width of the picture, in inches.

You can also align the top, middle, or bottom of the picture with the baseline of any text on the same line as the picture, or offset the bottom of the picture from that baseline by any number of twips.



Insert a background picture for the text (RTF report templates)

Select the Other | Background Picture menu option; a browser dialog displays, through which you select the bitmap file or metafile to insert as a background picture. The picture occupies the entire text area.

To remove the background picture, deselect the Background Picture menu option.



Insert an RTF File

Position the cursor at the point at which to insert the file, and select the Insert | Insert RTF File menu option.



Embed a frame at the cursor position


Select the Insert | Frame menu option.

The border of the frame displays, with the cursor at the top left corner. You can change the size of the frame by clicking on the border and dragging the small black 'handles'.



Embed a drawing object at the cursor position


Select the Insert | Drawing Object menu option.

The Select Drawing Object dialog displays, on which you select the radio button for either a:

Text Box
Rectangle or

Click on the OK button; the selected object displays, overlaid on the existing document content.  If you wish, you can change the size of the object by clicking on the border and dragging the small black 'handles'.

You can also change the appearance and the relationship of the object to the document text (see below).



Move the frame or drawing object

Click inside the outline and then move the cursor just outside the outline so that the cursor changes to a plus-shape.

Drag the plus shape (and hence the outline) to the new position.



Edit the border, background and impact on document text of a drawing object

Select the Edit | Edit Frame/Drawing Object | Edit Drawing Object menu option.

The Line and Fill Attributes dialog displays.

Select the options to define:

Whether to display a border line and, if so, your preferred border thickness, type and color
Whether the object is transparent or filled and, if filled, the fill color
The wrapping behavior of the text outside the object:
Wrap Through causes the document text to flow through the diagram object so that they overlap each other
No Wrap causes the document text to skip over the object, so that the text resumes below the object
Wrap Around the Object causes the document text to flow around the object,  into a column on one side or the other of the object, or on both sides; if you move the object across the page, the editor tends to leave a wider margin before it starts to wrap text to the left of the object
The Z Order of the object, so that if there is an overlap the object either lies in front of the document text (Z-order = 1) or behind the document text (Z Order = >1)



Insert text into the frame,  text box or rectangle

Click inside the outline and type the text at the cursor position. The text wraps at the right hand side of the box and, for a:

Frame, extends the bottom border of the box
Text box and rectangle, overflows the bottom of the box but is still associated with the box and not with the 'normal' text of the document; to enclose all lines adjust the height manually to enclose the text


If you change the width of the outline, any text inside the outline is automatically wrapped to adjust to the new width.



Rotate text to display it vertically in the frame or text box


Select the Edit | Edit Frame/Drawing Object | Rotate Text menu option. The Text rotation dialog displays; select the radio button for the text direction you want to apply:

Horizontal (default) - the text flows from the top left corner of the box across the width of the box, wrapping at the right border and scrolling downwards
Top to Bottom - the characters are rotated through 90 degrees to flow from the top right corner of the box downward, wrapping at the bottom edge of the box and scrolling right to left
Bottom to Top - the characters are rotated through 90 degrees to flow from the bottom left corner of the box upward, wrapping at the top edge of the box and scrolling left to right


If the text is running horizontally, you can type as much as you need - the box height increases to accommodate the text. If the text is running vertically, and it flows outside the box, you adjust the box height and width manually to accommodate your text.

Click on the OK button to apply the change.



Insert a picture into a frame or drawing object text box

Click inside the outline and either Insert the picture (see above) or copy and paste it at the cursor position.

If the frame or text box contains only the picture, the picture size is automatically adjusted to as nearly fill the outline as possible without distorting the image.

If you change the width or height of the box, the picture is adjusted to completely fill the outline; you continue manually adjusting the outline to reduce the distortion of the image.



Lock a frame or drawing object to a point on the page


You can fix the position of the outline to a specific point so that as you enter and format the text the outline maintains its position relative to that point.

The default position is relative to the first character of the paragraph, in which case the outline moves on the page with any change that affects the position of the paragraph.

You can also fix the position relative to either the:

Top edge of the page or
Top margin of the page


In these cases, if the document text on the page is adjusted it flows past the outline.

Click on the outline and select the Edit | Edit Frame/Drawing Object | Vertical Base Position menu option.

The Object Position parameters dialog displays. Select the radio button for the locking point you prefer:

Top of the Page
Top Margin
Current Paragraph


Click on the OK button to apply the lock.



Delete a frame or drawing object

Click on the outline and press ( Delete ).

The editor prompts you to confirm the deletion; click on the Yes button.

This deletion is reversible - press ( Ctrl+Z ) or select the Edit | Undo menu option.