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Setting Sections for Reporting

As part of designing or editing a template for generating an RTF report, you define the content to deliver in your report, specifically:

Which model features to report on (such as elements, attributes, linked documents and Tagged Values), using the Sections panel of the Document Template Designer
What information to provide on the instances of each feature (such as the name, type, phase, priority or author), using the Content panel of the Document Template Designer


The information you define here determines the structure of the report, what sections it contains and the order of those sections.

Access     Settings | Document Template Designer > Sections
                    Settings | Document Template Designer > Content

Select model components to be documented in the report



See also


Expand the some or all of the hierarchy in the Sections panel.





Select the checkbox next to the feature name; the feature name is then displayed as a pair of section tags in the Content panel of the Document Template Designer.

element >
< element


For features in the lower levels of the hierarchy, selecting a child feature automatically selects the parent level(s) and adds the parent tags to the Contents panel.




If you want to change the sequence of sections, click on the appropriate feature name in the Sections hierarchy and click on uphand or downhand to move the feature name up or down.

The position of the feature name within the Sections hierarchy determines the position of the section documenting that feature in the Content panel, and hence in the report. You can change the sequence either before or after you have selected the checkboxes, it makes no difference.




For each selected feature, click between the section tags in the Contents panel and add text, or right-click and select the Insert Fields context menu option to add fields.


Add Section Content


More specific guidance is provided for selecting the following features:
Child objects
Embedded elements
Profiled Relationship Matrices
Constraints and Scenarios
Linked Documents and Document Artifact contents
Elements held in external packages
Tagged Values
Sections formatted as tables

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(Alt+F1) | Reporting | RTF Templates | Add a Section