Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Local Paths

Access     Settings | Local Directories and Paths




See also

General Features

Sometimes a team of developers could be working on the same Enterprise Architect model; each developer might store their version of the source code in their local file system, but not always at the same location as their fellow developers.

To handle this scenario, Enterprise Architect enables you to define local paths for each Enterprise Architect user, using the Local Paths dialog (select the Local Directories and Paths menu option).

You can use local paths in generating code and reverse engineering, and in version control, developing XML schemas and generating RTF and HTML reports.

Local paths take a bit of setting up, but if you want to work collaboratively on source and model concurrently, the effort is well worth while.

For example:

Developer A stores her .java files in a C:\Java\Source directory, while developer B stores his in D:\Source
Both developers want to generate and reverse engineer into the same Enterprise Architect model located on a shared (or replicated) network drive


Developer A might define a local path of:

JAVA_SOURCE = "C:\Java\Source"


All Classes generated and stored in the Enterprise Architect project are stored as:



Developer B defines a local path as:

JAVA_SOURCE ="D:\Source"


Now, Enterprise Architect stores all java files in these directories as:



On each developer's machine, the filename is expanded to the correct local version.

Local Paths Dialog