Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Code Build & Debug


This section discusses the integrated Model Driven Development Environment (MDDE).




See also


Model Driven Development provides a more robust, accessible and faster development cycle than traditional coding-driven cycles.

A well constructed model, intimately linked with source code build, run, debug, test and deploy capabilities provides a rich, easily navigated and easily understood target architecture.

Traceability, linkage to Use Cases, Components and other model artifacts, plus the ability to readily record and document pre-existing or recently developed code, make Enterprise Architect's development environment uniquely powerful.

Enterprise Architect incorporates industry standard intelligent editing, debuggers and modeling languages.


Getting Started

Analyzer Scripts

Editing Source Code


The MDDE provides tools to design, build and debug an application:

UML technologies and tools to model software
Code generation tools to generate/reverse engineer source code
Tools to import source code and binaries
Code editors that support different programming languages
Intellisense to aid coding
Analyzer scripts that enable a user to describe how to build, debug, test and deploy the application


Development Tools

MDG Technologies

Modeling Basics

Generate Source Code

Import Source Code

Import Binary Module

Editing Source Code


Managing Analyzer Scripts