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Find in Files
This topic describes how to use the File Search facility to search files for data names and structures.
Access Edit | File Search (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F)
Topic |
Detail |
See also |
Usage |
File Text Searches are provided by the Search window and from within the Code Editors. The Search window enables you to search for text in code files and scripts; you can select to display the results of the search in one of two formats:
Search Toolbar:
You can use the toolbar options in the Search window to control the search operation. The state of all buttons persists over time to always reflect your previous search criteria.
The options, from left to right, are described below.
Field/Option |
Usage |
See also |
Search Path list box |
Specify the folder to search. You can type the path to search directly into the text box, or click on the folder icon to browse for the path. Any paths you enter are automatically saved in the drop-down list, up to a maximum of ten; paths added after that overwrite the oldest path in the list. A fixed option in the drop-down list is Search in Scripts, which sets the search to operate on all local and user-defined scripts in the Scripts tab of the Scripting window; this option disables the Search File Types list box.
Search Text list box |
Specify the text to look for. You can type the text directly into the text box or click on the drop-down arrow to select from a previous entry in the list. The search text you enter is automatically saved in the list when you click on the Search button. The list box saves up to ten search queries. Search queries added after that overwrite the oldest query in the list.
Search File Types list box |
Limit the search to specific types of files. You can select multiple file types in a string, separated by either a comma or a semi-colon as shown in the image above.
Search button |
Begin the search. During the course of the search all other buttons in the toolbar are disabled. You can cancel the search at any time by clicking on the Search button again. If you switch any of the toggle buttons below, you must run the search again to change the output.
Case Sensitivity button |
Toggle the case sensitivity of the search. The tooltip message identifies the current status of the button.
Word Match button |
Toggle between searching for any match and searching for only those matches that form an entire word. The tooltip message identifies the current status of the button.
SubFolders button |
Toggle between limiting the search to a single path and including all subfolders under that path. The tooltip message identifies the current status of the button.
Result View button |
Select the presentation format of the search results - List View or Tree View format.
Clear Results button |
Clear the results.
Clear Search Criteria button |
Remove all the entries in the Search Path, Search Text and Search File Types list boxes, if required.
Help button |
Display this Help topic.
Learning Center topics
• | (Alt + F1) | Software Engineering | Code Editor | Search for Options |