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Work With Methods
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''An example of working with the Methods collection ''of an element - and with Method collections.
Sub MethodLifeCycle
Dim element as object Dim method as object Dim t as object Dim idx as Integer Dim idx2 as integer
try element = m_Repository.GetElementByID(129)
For idx = 0 to element.Methods.Count -1 method = element.Methods.GetAt(idx) Console.WriteLine(method.Name)
t = method.PreConditions.AddNew("TestConstraint","something") If t.Update = false Then Console.WriteLine("PreConditions: " + t.GetLastError) End if
method.PreConditions.Refresh For idx2 = 0 to method.PreConditions.Count-1 t = method.PreConditions.GetAt(idx2) Console.WriteLine("PreConditions: " + t.Name) If t.Name = "TestConstraint" Then method.PreConditions.DeleteAt(idx2,false) End If Next
t = method.PostConditions.AddNew("TestConstraint","something") If t.Update = false Then COnsole.WriteLine("PostConditions: " + t.GetLastError) End if
method.PostConditions.Refresh For idx2 = 0 to method.PostConditions.Count-1 t = method.PostConditions.GetAt(idx2) Console.WriteLine("PostConditions: " + t.Name) If t.Name = "TestConstraint" Then method.PostConditions.DeleteAt(idx2, false) End If Next
t = method.TaggedValues.AddNew("TestTaggedValue","something") If t.Update = false Then COnsole.WriteLine("Tagged Values: " + t.GetLastError) End if
For idx2 = 0 to method.TaggedValues.Count-1 t = method.TaggedValues.GetAt(idx2) Console.WriteLine("Tagged Value: " + t.Name) If(t.Name= "TestTaggedValue") Then method.TaggedValues.DeleteAt(idx2,false) End If Next
t = method.Parameters.AddNew("TestParam","string") If t.Update = false Then Console.WriteLine("Parameters: " + t.GetLastError) End if
method.Parameters.Refresh For idx2 = 0 to method.Parameters.Count-1 t = method.Parameters.GetAt(idx2) Console.WriteLine("Parameter: " + t.Name) If(t.Name="TestParam") Then method.Parameters.DeleteAt(idx2, false) End If Next
method = nothing Next catch e as exception Console.WriteLine(element.Methods.GetLastError()) Console.WriteLine(e) End try
End Sub