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The Testpoints Window

The Testpoints Window is used to configure, view and execute test constraints on the currently selected Testpoint object. This window is context-sensitive, responding to the item currently selected within either the Project Browser or Diagram View.

Configured tests can be executed using the Testpoints Window Toolbar, and test results can be saved for later review.

Access    Analyzer | Testpoint Manager

Testpoint Window Columns



See also


Displays the name of the selected Testpoint object and the hierarchy of objects beneath it.

The selected object can be a:

Test Cut
Test Set or
Test Suite


Test Cut

Test Set

Test Suite


For an Operation, this column shows a Testpoint marker icon (TestpointMarkerIcon) if the Analyzer has been able to successfully bind this operation with a defined Testpoint.  If Testpoints are defined for an operation but no icon appears in this column during a test run, this may indicate a failure to bind.

For a Testpoint, this column shows a generated id number.  This id number is used in trace output to indicate which constraint is being referenced.




A pencil icon (TestpointConstraintsPencil) in this column indicates that one or more constraints are defined for this Class or Operation.


Testpoint Editor


During a test run, indicates the following possible statuses:

(TestpointStatusFail) Failed - Constraint has evaluated as false one or more times.
(TestpointStatusInvalid) Invalid Statement - Constraint failed to parse due to invalid syntax.
(TestpointStatusNotFound) Variable not found - A referenced variable name was not found at the location where the constraint was evaluated.

No icon is shown if a constraint has Passed.




During a test run, indicates the number of times the Execution Analyzer has evaluated this constraint.




During a test run, indicates the number of times the test passed.




During a test run, indicates the number of times the test failed.



Last Run By

Displays the username of the last person to run this test.



Last Run Date

Displays the date and time this test was last evaluated.



Last Run Result

Displays the result of the last test run.



Parent Collections Pane

Lists any parent collections that include the selected object as part of their design.

Double-click this collection to make it the selected object in the left pane.

The Parent Collections pane can be hidden by clicking the Show / Hide Parent Collections pane button on the Testpoints Window Toolbar.



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Learning Center topics

(Alt+F1) | Execution Analysis | Testpoints |
Add Class
Add Test Cut  
Add Test Set    
Add Test Suite