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Define Multiple-Stereotype Level
An element can have more than one stereotype applied to it. You can define the level to which multiple stereotypes can be applied, by creating the _strictness special attribute in the defining Stereotype element. The type of the attribute is StereotypeStrictnessKind, with one of four values in the Initial Value field:
• | profile, which states that an element of this type cannot be given more than one stereotype from the same Profile |
• | technology, which states that an element of this type cannot be given more than one stereotype from the same technology |
• | all, which states that an element of this type cannot have multiple stereotypes at all, or |
• | none, which is the default behaviour and states that there are no restrictions on the use of multiple stereotypes |
The following example is from SysML and shows that a �flowPort� cannot have any other stereotype applied to it.
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