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Special Attributes
It is possible to define a number of special features and behaviors of a stereotyped model element, such as the icon to represent it in the Project Browser and Diagram Toolbox, the default location of any image files associated with the stereotype, the dimensions of the element in a diagram, or whether the appearance is defined by a Shape Script. You define these features in your Profile using special attributes that can be applied to either the:
• | Stereotype elements or |
• | Metaclass elements, referring to the stereotypes that extend them |
Access Click on profile element: F9 > General
Set the attribute(s)
Field/Button |
Description |
See also |
Name |
Type the name of the attribute (as listed in the tables below).
Initial |
Type or select the initial value of the attribute.
Save |
Click on this button to save your changes. (You do not need to set any other values.)
Close |
Click on this button to close the dialog.
Stereotype element Attributes
Attribute |
Meaning |
See also |
_defaultAttributeType |
Defines the default type of the new attributes created from the Diagram Toolbox. Use this in a Stereotype element that extends an Attribute Metaclass, and set the attribute type as the initial value. If you do not provide this, the system creates attributes with the default type int.
icon |
Contains the bitmap file location of the 16x16-pixel icon displayed beside all elements defined by the Stereotype, in the Project Browser. This does not apply to Package elements. The icon is also automatically used as the Diagram Toolbox image wherever the stereotyped element is listed. For a transparent background, you can use light grey - RGB (192,192,192). For this attribute to work correctly, also set the _metatype attribute (see below).
_image |
Identifies a Shape Script definition, the script for which is created in the Initial Value field. For this attribute to take effect, you need to set the Alternate Image option when you save the Profile.
Define what happens when an instance is created of a stereotyped element. |
_metatype |
Defines stereotypes as metatypes, so that the identity of an element as a custom, stereotyped element is hidden. |
Define a Stereotype as a Metatype
_sizeY |
Sets the initial height of the element, in pixels, at 100% zoom. For this attribute to take effect, you need to set the Element Size option when you save the Profile.
_sizeX |
Sets the initial width of the element, in pixels, at 100% zoom. For this attribute to take effect, you need to set the Element Size option when you save the Profile.
_strictness |
Defines the degree to which a stereotyped element can have more than one stereotype applied to it. |
Define Multiple-Stereotype Level
Metaclass element Attributes
Attribute |
Meaning |
See also |
_AttInh |
If set to 1, sets the Inherited Features: Show Attributes checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_AttPkg |
If set to 1, sets the Attribute Visibility: Package checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_AttPri |
If set to 1, sets the Attribute Visibility: Private checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_AttPro |
If set to 1, sets the Attribute Visibility: Protected checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_AttPub |
If set to 1, sets the Attribute Visibility: Public checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
compositeKind |
When applied to an Association, defines whether the source or target end is an aggregate or composite. Permitted values are:
_ConInh |
If set to 1, sets the Show Element Compartments: Inherited Constraints checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_Constraint |
If set to 1, sets the Show Element Compartments: Constraints checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_defaultDiagramType |
Defines the type of child diagram created when an element is made composite.
direction |
Automatically created when any type of connector Metaclass element is dragged from the Profile toolbox page onto a diagram. You can set a value for this attribute in preference to using the _SourceNavigability or _TargetNavigability attributes (below).
_HideStype |
Set the Initial Value field to a comma-separated list of stereotypes to hide those stereotypes by setting the Hide Stereotyped Features filter for each new stereotyped model element.
_isVertical |
Set to True for a stereotyped ActivityPartition to make the default Activity Partition orientation vertical.
_lineStyle |
Sets the line style of a stereotyped connector; the Initial Value of the attribute can be one of:
_makeComposite |
Makes each stereotyped element a composite element when it is created. |
_OpInh |
If set to 1, sets the Inherited Features: Show Operations checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_OpPkg |
If set to 1, sets the Operation Visibility: Package checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_OpPri |
If set to 1, sets the Operation Visibility: Private checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_OpPro |
If set to 1, sets the Operation Visibility: Protected checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_OpPub |
If set to 1, sets the Operation Visibility: Public checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_PType |
If set to 1, sets the Show element type (Port or Part only) checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_ResInh |
If set to 1, sets the Show Element Compartments: Inherited Responsibilities checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_Responsibility |
If set to 1, sets the Show Element Compartments: Responsibilities checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_Runstate |
If set to 1, sets the Hide Object Runstate in current diagram checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_SourceAggregation |
Deprecated. See compositeKind, above.
_SourceMultiplicity |
Sets the multiplicity of the source element, such as 1..* or 0..1.
_SourceNavigability |
If the connector is non-navigable, set this attribute to Non-Navigable. If other values are more appropriate, use the direction attribute (above).
_subtypeProperty |
Specifies the fully qualified name of the Tagged Value that is used to generate a popup submenu each time an element with the stereotype is created from the Toolbox. The Tagged Value is an enumeration and the submenu consists of a command for each enumeration literal. The Tagged Value is initialized with whichever command is selected on the submenu; if none is selected (such as if the user clicks off the submenu) then the default value is used as normal. For example, if you create a BPMN 2 Activity element, a submenu displays listing the task types such as BusinessRule, Manual and Receive. Selecting one of these values sets it as the value of the taskType Tagged Value. The Tagged Value is effectively the Activity's subtype; in the BPMN 2 profile, in the format profile::stereotype::tag, the subtypeProperty for the Activity stereotype would be: BPMN2.0::Activity::taskType.
_Tag |
If set to 1, sets the Show Element Compartments: Tags checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
Maps the Tagged Values into the tag groups (below) displayed in the Tagged Values window, in the form: tagName1=groupName1;tagName2=groupName2; This facility currently is available for object types only, not for other types such as attributes.
_tagGroups |
Defines a comma-separated list of required groups in the order in which they are to be displayed in the Tagged Values window. For example: groupName1,groupName2,groupName3
This facility currently is available for object types only, not for other types such as attributes.
_tagGroupStates |
Maps _tagGroups displayed in the Tagged Values window to the state of open or closed, in the form: groupName1=open;groupName2=closed;
This facility currently is available for object types only, not for other types such as attributes.
_TagInh |
If set to 1, sets the Show Element Compartments: Inherited Tags checkbox to selected on each new stereotyped model element.
_TargetAggregation |
Deprecated. See compositeKind, above.
_TargetMultiplicity |
Sets the multiplicity of the target element, such as 1..* or 0..1.
_TargetNavigability |
If the connector is non-navigable, set this attribute to Non-Navigable. If other values are more appropriate, use the direction attribute (above).
• | Where an attribute is set to 1 to turn a feature on, setting it to 0 turns the feature off |
Learning Center topics
• | (Alt+F1) | Modeling Languages | Build a Profile | Defining an Image |