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Sequence/Communication Diagram Transformations

It is possible to transform a Sequence diagram into a Communication diagram, and to transform a Communication diagram into a Sequence diagram. In each case, every element or message in the source diagram type is mapped 1:1 to a matching element or message in the target diagram.

Access    Open source diagram | Tools | Model Transformation (MDA) | Transform Current Package (Ctrl+Shift+H) or
Open source diagram, click on element | Tools | Model Transformation (MDA) | Transform Selected Elements (Ctrl+H)

Perform a Transformation



See also


Lists and highlights all the elements from the diagram, which will be included in the transformation.





Select the Communication checkbox if transforming a Sequence diagram into a Communication diagram.
Select the Sequence checkbox if transforming a Communication diagram into a Sequence diagram

In either case, the Browse Project dialog displays. Simply click on the OK button; in these transformations the target diagram is automatically created in the same package as the source diagram.



Do Transform

Execute the transform command.

The target diagram is created and listed in the Project Browser under the parent package with the name (depending on which transformation you have executed):

<source diagram name> Communication or
<source diagram name> Sequence




Once you have selected the Communication or Sequence checkbox, these transforms ignore any other field setting in the dialog and will perform a direct transformation of every element in the source diagram

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