Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Generated Activity Diagram

An Activity is generated as a child of the selected element, to act as a container for the diagram.

The scenario steps are modeled as Activities
The values of the Uses, Results and State columns for each step are added as Tagged Values of the corresponding Activity







See also

Activity with ActivityParameter

The values of the Uses and Results columns are modeled as ActivityParameters
The value of the State column is added as a Tagged Value of the Activities
ActivityParameters are added to the Project Browser and not to the diagram



Activity with Action

The scenario steps are modeled as Actions
The values of the Uses, Results and State columns are added as Tagged Values of the Actions


Activity with ActionPin

The scenario steps are modeled as Actions
The values of the Uses and Results columns are modeled as Input Pins and Output Pins respectively
The value of the State column is added as a Tagged Value of the Actions
ActionPins are added to the Project Browser and not to the diagram