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Generated Robustness Diagram

A Collaboration is created as a child of the selected element, to act as a container for the Robustness diagram.





All the elements involved in the scenario should be identified in the Context Reference tab; that is, relationships must already exist between the scenario parent element and the other elements named in the scenario
Any values in the Uses, Results and State columns are ignored and not represented in the diagram
Each UI element in a step becomes a Boundary element; a Dependency relationship is created from this Boundary element to the UI element (this connector is not shown on the diagram)
Each Actor referenced in a step is dropped into the Robustness diagram as a simple link
Each Class referenced in a step is dropped into the Robustness diagram as a simple link, and is given the stereotype entity
Each step with a System trigger becomes a Controller; alternate/exception path Controllers are displayed with a red background color
Each step with a User trigger becomes the name of the Association between Controllers

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