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Java Options

Configure options for Java code generation using the Java Specifications page of the Options dialog.

Access     Tools | Options | Source Code Engineering | Java

Use to

Set a default directory for opening and saving Java source code
Indicate a default file extension
Specify a default 'Get' prefix
Specify a default 'Set' prefix
Define additional Collection Classes - to define custom collection classes, which can be simple substitutions (such as CArray<#TYPE#>) or a mix of other strings and substitutions (such as Cmap<CString,LPCTSTR,#TYPE#*,#TYPE#*>); the following collection classes are defined by default:




See also

Disable Language

Indicates that Java language support is to be disabled.



Options for the current model

Specifies the options used in the current model.

These options affect all users of the current model; however they do not apply to other models.



Options for the current user

Specifies the options used for the current user; these options apply to all models that are accessed by the user.



Collection Classes

Opens the Collection Classes for Association Roles dialog, which allows the specification of collection class definitions.


Collection Classes