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Enterprise Architect is not only a UML Modeling environment, it is also a complete Test Management environment. Using Enterprise Architect you can create and manage test scripts for model elements, covering unit, integration, scenario, system and acceptance tests; these can include test cases generated from xUnit testing and Testpoint Management.

You can also import tests from other elements, generate them from scenarios, and generate test documentation and reports; you can indicate the presence of tests on an element by displaying test information on the element in a diagram.

It is simple to attach even complex tests to any model element. Keeping the model elements and the testing documentation in one integrated model significantly improves the communication between the test-team and the software developers and architects.

The system's detailed search facilities make it easy to find failing test cases, test cases not run and test cases that have been passed; using the testing and search capabilities, it is easy to navigate through the model and quickly locate problem spots, design flaws and other critical issues.

Test Tasks



See also

Create Tests

You create tests in the Testing Workspace, and using the Test Details dialog.

Typically, you create:

Unit tests for things that are being built, such as Classes and components
Integration tests to test how components work together
System tests to ensure the system meets business requirements
Acceptance tests to test user satisfaction, and
Scenario tests to test the end-to-end suitability and functionality of the application

These test categories are otherwise referred to as test Classes; the type of Class is internally identified by the Class attribute, which has a value from 1 to 5 corresponding to the test types in the order listed above.


Working on Test Records
Create Test Records








Test Class

Using Tests

Tasks that you might perform when working with tests include:

Import a scenario as a test
Move or copy tests between test types
Import a test from other elements
Import a responsibility or constraint as a test
Create a maintenance item from a test
Generate a Test Details report
Show test script compartments
Create test documentation

Import a Scenario as a Test

Move or Copy Tests Between Test Types

Import a Test from Other Elements

The Element Browser

Import a Responsibility or Constraint as a Test

Create a Maintenance Item from a Test

Generate Test Details Report

Show Test Script Compartments

Create Test Documentation



Most of the tasks identified above relate to a tests for a single element
You can make a set of tests available to a number of elements by performing the above tasks on a Test Case element and then associating that Test Case with each of the other elements; the Test Case element also helps to make tests more visible in diagrams, the Project Browser, windows and searches

Learn more

Learning Center topics

(Alt+F1) | Testing | Testing | Introduction to Testing
(Alt+F1) | Testing | Testing | Test Case Elements