Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

The System Output Window

The System Output window is used to display information generated by internal Enterprise Architect processes, or by Add-Ins and other third-party tools. The output from each type of operation is generally displayed on its own tab within the window. The System Output window can provide useful information during long-running processes and batch operations; through this window you can, for example:

·Validate information - many validation processes within Enterprise Architect write out their results to this window
·Review progress information during the launch of external processes
·Review command line output from Build and Test scripts
·Check parse errors generated during import of various types of files
·Check Audit information
·Re-dock the Model Search results into an Output window tab for more convenient reference during various operations


·Select View | System Output
·Press Ctrl+Shift+8
·Edit | Find in Project: Options | Dock in Output Bar

Options available on output data

Right-click on an item and select the appropriate context menu option to:

·Copy the selected item to the clipboard
·Copy all items to the clipboard
·Save the output to an external file
·Clear the output from the window
·Rollback selected Get All Latest updates to a version controlled Package

You can also:

·Drag the selected items or text out of the System Output window and onto a diagram to quickly create a named element
·Double-click on model validation errors or parsing errors to display the source of the error
·Switch between tabs to view different categories of information from different tools


·(Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, with Auditing turned on) The Audit History tab of the System Output window shows a history of changes to any element or connector selected from the:
·Audit View
·Package Browser
·Diagram List
·Project Browser, or
·Current diagram

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