Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.



Enterprise Architect is a comprehensive UML analysis and design tool. It provides a library of UML data structures that you can use and extend to develop your models.

You begin to create your projects and models using the Start Page or File menu, which provide templates on which to base your models. From these you   create your Packages and diagrams using a range of toolbars and menus, and you then populate these structures with elements and connectors, using the Diagram Toolbox. You can also create new structures through the Project Browser, and re-use existing structures using the Project Browser, Model Views, Package Browser and Model Search.

Building models requires the use of various UML data structures and Enterprise Architect tools, as above, to graphically represent a business process or software system; the resulting model can be used to emphasize a certain aspect of the system being represented and to record and communicate its detail.

An extremely useful Enterprise Architect tool is the Relationship Matrix, through which you can select, visualize and amend the relationships in  the organization of structures within the model. This provides particular support for:

·Requirements Management and
·Modeling the business process, an essential part of any software development process

You can extend the scope of your models using UML Stereotypes, Profiles and Patterns, and MDG Technologies.

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