Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Object Display Options
In modeling with elements, you can configure the standard contents of the elements you create and view and, in diagrams, how they are rendered and how the system responds to actions you take on them.
Access Tools | Options (Ctrl+F9) | Objects
Control element appearance and behavior
Field/Button |
Action |
See also |
Version |
Type in the default version number or code for new elements.
Phase |
Type in the default phase number or code for new elements.
Highlight References |
Select the checkbox to highlight parameters in operations that are passed by reference rather than value.
Reference Char(s) |
Type in a character or character string to act as the reference.
Prefix/Suffix |
Select the appropriate radio button to display the Reference Char(s) value as either a prefix or a suffix on the operation parameter.
Warn about spaces in class names |
Select the checkbox to display a warning message when a Class, operation or attribute name has embedded spaces (which can cause coding problems). Deselect the checkbox to hide such messages.
Classes honor analysis stereotypes |
Select the checkbox to show Classes as their stereotype; for example, if a Class is stereotyped as a Boundary, it appears as a Boundary rather than a Class. Deselect the checkbox to show the element as its base type; that is, as a Class.
Show stereotype icon for requirements |
Select the check box to show a code letter in the top right corner of Requirement Deselect the checkbox to hide the indicator letter. |
Support for Composite Objects |
Select the checkbox to:
Deselect the checkbox to not display the hashed border and to not embed the child element in the parent in the model.
Auto-resize marks diagram 'dirty' |
Select the checkbox to set auto-resizing of elements as an unsaved change to the diagram (displaying an asterisk on the diagram tab), so that you must manually save the diagram to protect the change. Deselect the checkbox to automatically save autosizing changes.
Highlight {abstract} elements |
Select the check box to indicate, on a diagram, Classes set as abstract by displaying the tag {abstract} below and to the right of the Class name.
Allow elongated Use Cases |
Select the checkbox to allow Use Cases or Use Case extension points to elongate to accommodate long names. If you deselect the checkbox, Use Case re-sizing is proportional and the 'make same height/width' menu options are blocked.
Show status colors on diagrams |
Select the checkbox to display color coding in Requirement, Change and Issue elements. Deselect the checkbox to display the status bands and element shadows in the standard fill and shadow colors. You can increase the range of element types to use status color coding on, through the Status page of the General Types dialog (Project | Settings | Project Types | General Types).
Color Code External Requirements
Copy inheritance links on duplicate |
Select the checkbox to duplicate Inheritance and Realization connectors when you copy their elements.
Port and Part type visible by default
Select the checkbox to show Port and Part types on the diagram by default. |
Show buttons for selected Object on diagram |
Select the checkbox to enable the display of the floating toolbar buttons to the right of an object when you select it.
Deselect the checkbox to not display these toolbar buttons or element icons.
Edit Object on New |
Select the checkbox to automatically display the element Properties dialog when a new element is added to a diagram. Deselect the checkbox to simply create the element without displaying the Properties dialog.
Show «column» stereotype |
Select the checkbox to show the «column» stereotype as a heading in Table elements, when data modeling. Deselect the checkbox to just display the column names without the «column» heading.
Extend Complexity |
Select the checkbox to extend levels of complexity to five levels in the Complexity field in the element Properties dialog:
General Settings (of element properties) |
UML 1.5 Components |
Select the checkbox to perform your modeling using UML 1.5 components (Enterprise Architect versions from 4.0 onwards default to using UML 2.x).
Show State Compartment |
Select the checkbox to show, in a State element, the State compartment divider under the State name.
Show Duplicate Tags |
Select the checkbox to enable duplicate tag names to be shown in the element Tagged Values compartment and in the Tagged Values window for the element. The system defaults to hiding duplicate tag names, to avoid displaying inherited and overridden Tagged Values. It is useful to display the duplicate tags when you are revising them; for example, when you are adding namespaces and labels in ODM.
Group Operations by Stereotype |
Select the checkbox to group an element's operations by their stereotype, in the element's operations compartment on the diagram. The order in which the stereotypes are listed is determined by the order of the operations in the Operations dialog for the element - if operation AA with stereotype Z is the first in the operation list, stereotype ZZ is first in the stereotype list. Deselect the checkbox to list the operations ungrouped, in the order in which they appear in the Operations dialog for the element..
Group Attributes by Stereotype |
Select the checkbox to group an element's attributes by their stereotype, in the element's attributes compartment on the diagram. The order in which the stereotypes are listed is determined by the order of the attributes in the Attributes page of the Features dialog for the element - if attribute AA with stereotype Z is the first in the attribute list, stereotype ZZ is first in the stereotype list. Deselect the checkbox to list the attributes ungrouped, in the order in which they appear in the Attributes page for the element.
Sort Features Alphabetically |
Select the checkbox to list element features of each type alphabetically. Features include Attributes, Operations, Tags, Constraints and Test Cases. Deselect the checkbox to list the features in the order in which they are defined (if not alphabetical) in the corresponding dialog or window for the feature. To observe the effects of selecting or deselecting the checkbox, you must close the diagram and reload it.
Disable spelling |
Select the checkbox to turn off automatic spell checking. Deselect the checkbox to resume automatic spell checking. The spelling checker operates on the view, dialog or window where you initially enter the text strings.
Advanced |
Click on this button to specify which types of element should be listed in document reports and in diagram Packages. Some types of element do not appear in Packages and in document output by default. You use this facility to include such types.
Close |
Click on this button to save the changes you have made, and to close the Options dialog.