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Maintenance Report

As you manage the maintenance items against elements in your model, you can monitor the status of reported defects, changes, issues and tasks by generating a Maintenance report on the Package. You can filter the report to show maintenance items of a certain type, having a specific status, reported by a specific person and/or resolved by a specific person.

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Generate a Maintenance report



See also

Root Package

Displays the name of the Package selected from the Project Browser. All elements and Packages under this Package are included in the report.

If you want to change the Package, click on the new Package in the Project Browser and then click on the refresh icon at the end of the field. The replacement Package name displays in the field.



Reported By

Click on the drop-down arrow and select a name to filter for maintenance items reported by that person. Click on the x button to clear the field.



Resolved By

Click on the drop-down arrow and select a name to filter for maintenance items resolved by that person. Click on the x button to clear the field.



Maintenance Type

Select the radio button for the required item type - Defects, Issues, Changes, Tasks or All types.




Select the radio button for the required item status - New, Verified, Complete or All statuses.



Locate Object

(After clicking on an item in the Item Details list.) Click on this button to highlight the element containing the maintenance item, in the Project Browser.




Click on this button to re-run the report query on the Package currently selected in the Root Package field.




Click on this button to print a summary of the item maintenance list.




·If you want to edit an item from the report, double-click on the item line; the Maintenance window displays, on which you can update the details
·You can re-organize the display of the listed items using the List Header facilities for reported information

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