Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Master Documents and Model Documents

You can develop virtual documentation for output in both printable document and web page formats, using Master Document and Model Document elements. The process for generating web virtual documentation differs from that for printable documentation in two ways:

·You use a standard or customized HTML template, which you select in the Style field on the Publish as HTML dialog; you do not specify or use any templates defined in the element RTFTemplate Tagged Value
·You create a Package list to select the elements for the report, and not a Model Search (which is defined in the SearchName and SearchValue Tagged Values in the Model Document elements)

Access   Click Document element, then Package | Documentation | Publish as HTML       (Shift+F8) or
Project Browser | Right-click on Document element | Documentation | HTML Report

Generate web documentation from a Master Document and/or Model Documents



See also


On the Publish as HTML dialog, set the options for your web document as you wish.

Select your preferred template - such as a customized Master Document template - in the Style field.


Create a Web Page Report


Click on the Generate button to generate the documentation.

The HTML Report Generator works through the defined content of the Master Document element and/or the Model Document elements, and pulls in the information from the listed Packages, formatted according to the template identified in the Style field.




Click on the View button to view the documentation.



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Learning Center topics

·Alt+F1 | Enterprise Architect | Reporting | Virtual Documents