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Options - Object Lifetimes

You can use these options to configure various Object Lifetime settings such as:

·Defining constructor details when generating code
·Specifying whether to create a copy constructor
·Defining Destructor details


Access     Project | Settings | Project Options | Source Code Engineering | Object Lifetimes




See also


If necessary, select the checkboxes to specify that a constructor is generated and (for C++) that the constructor is in-line.

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate visibility of the default constructor - Private, Protected or Public.



Copy Constructor

If necessary, select the checkboxes to specify that a copy constructor is generated and (for C++) that the copy constructor is in-line.

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate visibility of the default copy constructor - Private, Protected or Public.




If necessary, select the checkboxes to specify that a destructor is generated and (for C++) that the constructor is in-line and/or virtual.

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate visibility of the default destructor - Private, Protected or Public.