Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Visual Basic Options - Model

If you intend to generate Visual Basic code from your model, you can configure the model-specific code generation options using the VB Specifications page of the Manage Project Options dialog to:

·Specify the default Visual Basic version to generate
·Indicate the default file extension when reading/writing
·Indicate the MTS transaction mode for MTS objects
·Specify if a Class uses Multi use (true or false)
·Specify if a Class uses the Persistable property
·Indicate data binding and data source behaviours
·Set the global namespace
·Set the Exposed attribute
·Indicate if the Creatable attribute is true or false
·Specify the Collection Class definitions for Association connectors


Access     Project | Settings | Project Options | Source Code Engineering | Visual Basic




See also

Options for the current model

Type in the default file extension to apply when generating Visual Basic source code, and click on the drop-down arrow in each of the other fields and select the appropriate value.



Collection Classes

Click on this button to open the Collection Classes for Association Roles dialog, through which you specify the collection class definitions for Association connectors.


Collection Classes


·These options affect all users of the current model; however, they do not apply to other models


Learn more
