Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Delete Components

You can delete the components of a model from a diagram or from the Project Browser.

Delete From a Diagram

A diagram can contain elements, connectors, packages and other diagrams. To delete any of these from the diagram, click on it and press [Delete] on the keyboard.


  • Remember that the contents of the model are listed in the Project Browser. If you delete something from a diagram, it is not deleted from the Project Browser. This is because you can use the same component in several diagrams at once, so you only remove the representation of the component from a diagram.
  • To delete a connector from a diagram, click on it and press [Delete]. This time, Enterprise Architect prompts you to select whether to delete the connector or just hide it. Unlike elements, the same connector is not reapplied in several places, so if you delete one it is removed completely from the model.
  • Connectors can get confusing on a complex diagram, so it is useful to hide some of them to clarify a specific aspect of a more complex picture. To identify and reveal hidden connectors, see the Links topic.

Delete From Project Browser

To delete a package, diagram or element from the Project Browser, right-click on the component and select the Delete <name> menu option.

For a package, this completely removes the package and all its contents - diagrams, child packages and elements - from the model.

For an element, this completely removes the element and its properties, connectors, child elements and child diagrams from the model, and from every diagram that contains it.

For a diagram, this completely removes the diagram and connectors from the model, but not the diagram's component elements. They remain in the parent package.

Additional Information

See the Save Changes topic.

For additional information on deleting elements, connectors and model views in Enterprise Architect, see the Delete Elements, Delete Connectors and Delete Views topics.