Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Pan and Zoom a Diagram


Pan the Diagram View in the following ways:

  • Use [!], ["], [#], [$], [Page Up], [Page Down], [Home] and [End] when the Diagram View is selected
  • Use the scrollbars
  • Use the middle mouse button
  • Use the Pan & Zoom window.


Zoom into and out from a diagram using the zoom buttons on the diagram toolbar, or using the Diagram | Zoom submenu.


Change the zoom level by 10% by clicking on either the Zoom In (+) or Zoom Out (-) buttons. Alternatively, select the Zoom In or Zoom Out options from the Diagram | Zoom submenu.


There are three ways to return the diagram to 100%:

  • Click on the ZoomIcon button
  • Select Zoom to 100% from the Diagram | Zoom submenu
  • [Ctrl]+middle-click the mouse.


You can zoom in and out of the main window dynamically by holding [Ctrl] and rolling the mouse wheel.


  • Changes in diagram magnification through the zoom options can be saved as permanent changes to the diagram.
  • At high levels of zoom, element features cease to display. This is because of the difficulty the Windows font mapper has in choosing a font for extreme conditions, and the result can look odd.