Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Upsize to Access 2007

You upsize your model repository to an Access 2007 database in the following stages:

Stage One: Create the Repository

Using Access 2007, open a .EAP file and allow Access to convert it to a .ACCDB file. This forms the Access 2007 repository.


If you do not have Access 2007, you can connect by downloading the Access Database Engine from:

Stage Two: Perform Integrity Check

Run the project integrity check tool (select the Tools | Data Management | Project Integrity Check menu option) on the base project that you intend to upsize to the Access 2007 repository, to ensure the project data is 'clean' before uploading.

Stage Three: Transfer the Data

  1. Open Enterprise Architect and select the Tools | Data Management | Project Transfer menu option. The Project Transfer dialog displays.
  2. In the Transfer Type panel, select the .EAP to DBMS radio button.
  3. In the Source Project field, type the name of the .EAP file to upsize to the Access 2007 repository.
  4. At the right of the Target Project field, click on the [ ... ] (Browse) button. The Data Link Properties dialog displays, showing the Provider tab.
  5. Select  Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider from the list, then click on the Next>> button. The Connection tab displays.
  6. Type the full path to the Access 2007 .ACCDB file.
  7. Click on the OK button. The Project Transfer dialog redisplays.
  8. If required, select the Logfile checkbox and type a path and filename for the data transfer log file.
  9. Click on the Transfer button to begin the data transfer process.

Once this process is complete, the content of the .EAP model exists on the Access 2007 repository and you can now open the repository from Enterprise Architect.


You cannot transfer a source .EAP file that was created using a version of Enterprise Architect earlier than 3.5.0.