Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Source Code Options
When you generate code for a particular language, you can set certain options. These include:
- Create a default constructor
- Create a destructor
- Generate copy constructor
- Select default language
- Generate methods for implemented interfaces
- Set the unicode options for code generation.
These options are accessed the Source Code Engineering page of the Options dialog (select the Tools | Options | Source Code Engineering menu option).
Most of the settings are self-explanatory. The Remove prefixes when generating Get/Set properties field enables you to specify prefixes used in your variable naming conventions, if those prefixes should be removed in the variables' corresponding get/set functions.
Click on the Component Types button to configure what elements should be created for files of any extension found while importing a source code directory.
Note: |
It is worthwhile to configure these settings, as they serve as the defaults for all Classes in the model. You can override these on a per-Class basis using the custom settings (from the Code Generation dialog). |