Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Code Editor Key Bindings


In addition to the following keys, you can assign [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[n] key combinations to macros that you define within the Source Code Editor.




Move cursor to a specified line




Move cursor down one line


Extend selection down one line


Scroll down one line


Extend rectangular selection down one line




Move cursor up one line


Extend selection up one line


Scroll up one line


Extend rectangular selection up one line



[Ctrl]+[ [ ]

Move cursor up one paragraph

[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[ [ ]

Extend selection up one paragraph

[Ctrl]+[ ] ]

Move cursor down one paragraph

[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[ ] ]

Extend selection down one paragraph




Move cursor left one character


Extend selection left one character


Move cursor left one word


Extend selection left one word


Extend rectangular selection left one character




Move cursor right one character


Extend selection right one character


Move cursor right one word


Extend selection right one word


Extend rectangular selection right one character




Move cursor left one word part


Extend selection left one word part


Move cursor right one word part


Extend selection right one word part




Move cursor to the start of the current line


Extend selection to the start of the current line


Move cursor to the start of the document


Extend selection to the start of the document


Move cursor to the absolute start of the line


Extend rectangular selection to the start of the line




Move cursor to the end of the current line


Extend selection to the end of the current line


Move cursor to the end of the document


Extend selection to the end of the document


Move cursor to the absolute end of the line


Extend rectangular selection to the end of the line



[Page Up]

Move cursor up a page

[Shift]+[Page Up]

Extend selection up a page

[Alt]+[Shift]+[Page Up]

Extend rectangular selection up a page



[Page Down]

Move cursor down a page

[Shift]+[Page Down]

Extend selection down a page

[Alt]+[Shift]+[Page Down]

Extend rectangular selection down a page




Delete character to the right of the cursor


Cut selection


Delete word to the right of the cursor


Delete until the end of the line




Toggle overtype




Copy selection




Delete character to the left of the cursor


Delete character to the left of the cursor


Delete word to the left of the cursor


Delete from the start of the line to the cursor


Undo delete




Indent cursor one tab


Indent cursor one tab


Unindent cursor one tab




Zoom in


Zoom out


Restore Zoom










Cut selection


Copy selection




Cut line


Delete line


Transpose line


Copy line




Select entire document


Duplicate selection


Convert selection to lowercase


Convert selection to uppercase




Move cursor to matching brace


Extend selection to matching brace




Toggle line comment on selection


Toggle stream comment on selection




Toggle bookmark


Go to next bookmark


Go to previous bookmark




Toggle whitespace characters


Toggle EOL characters




Invoke autocomplete




Go backwards in cursor history


Go forwards in cursor history




Start/Cancel search for keyword in file(s).


Find text

