Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Syntax Highlighting
The Code Editor highlights - in colored text - the standard code syntax of most language file formats supported by Enterprise Architect, namely:
- Ada (.ada, .ads, .adb)
- ActionScript (.as)
- BPEL Document (.bpel)
- C++ (.h, .hh, .hpp, .c, .cpp, .cxx)
- C# (.cs)
- Delphi/Pascal (.pas)
- Diff/Patch Files (.diff, .patch)
- Document Type Definition (.dtd)
- DOS Batch Files (.bat)
- DOS Command Scripts (.cmd)
- HTML (.html)
- Interface Definition Language (.idl, .odl)
- Java (.java)
- Javascript (.javascript)
- JScript (.js)
- Modified Backus-Naur Form Grammar (.mbnf)
- PHP (.php, .php4, .inc)
- Python (.py)
- Standard Generalized Markup Language (.sgml)
- Structured Query Language (.sql)
- SystemC (.sc)
- Visual Basic 6 (.bas)
- VB.NET (.vb)
- VBScript (.vbs)
- Verilog (.v)
- VHSIC Hardware Description Language (.vhdl)
- Visual Studio Resource Configuration (.rc)
- eXtensible Markup Language (.xml)
You can define how the Code Editor implements syntax highlighting, through the Code Editors page of the Options dialog.
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