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Geodatabase Design for ArcGIS

*Beta Implementation*

This is a BETA release of the ArcGIS profile and associated tools. As such it is supplied without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice during this Beta period. Sparx Systems welcomes any feedback, issues, suggestions and comments on this implementation. As with all Beta software, please take due care when using the ArcGIS profile in a production environment.


ArcGIS, developed by Esri, is a system that supports the development and management of geodatabases. As for other databases, it is useful to model the design of a geodatabase using a standard notation such as UML.

The ArcGIS Toolset supports:

  • Geodatabase design for the ArcGIS platform
  • Import and export of ArcGIS workspaces

Enterprise Architect's UML profile for ArcGIS is part of the built-in MDG Technology for ArcGIS.

Notice of Acknowledgement:

Support for modeling ArcGIS databases in Enterprise Architect was developed in collaboration with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), who defined mappings between UML 2 and ArcGIS concepts, and prototyped an automated import and export capability for ArcGIS geodatabase schemas represented in UML.

Once you have modeled an ArcGIS schema in Enterprise Architect, you can export the model to ArcGIS as an XML Workspace document

You can also visualize an existing ArcGIS geodatabase schema, by importing the ArcGIS XML Workspace document into Enterprise Architect.

The MDG Technology for ArcGIS is currently released as a Beta implementation.

Learn more: