Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Add Submenu

The Add submenu enables you to add supporting elements and diagrams to the selected element.

Menu Option



See Also

Tagged Value

Add a Tagged Value


Quick Add - Tagged Value To Elements

Related Elements

Open the Insert Related Elements dialog


Insert Related Elements


Create and attach a blank Note element to the current element


Create Notes and Text


Create and attach a blank Constraint element to the current element




Add an Activity element as a child of the current Classifier element, with either an Activity diagram or an Interaction Overview diagram.



Object Classifiers


Add an Interaction element as a child of the current Classifier element, with either a Sequence diagram, a Communication diagram or a Timing diagram



State Machine

Add a State Machine element as a child of the current Classifier element, with a State Machine diagram


State Machine

RuleFlow activity

For a Class element, create a Rule Flow Activity element with a child Rule Flow diagram, as a behavior for the Class


Create a Rule Flow Model

Add Diagram

Add a child diagram to the Classifier element, using the New Diagram dialog


Add New Diagrams


  • Context menus vary between element types, so not all menu options shown here are present on all element context menus; for example, the options relating to Classifiers are not available for Object elements