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Create Notes and Text

You can create both notes and text on a diagram; the two are slightly different.

How To:

To create a Note, follow the steps below:



See Also


Drag the Note icon from the Common page of the Toolbox onto the diagram.

  • If you have the Edit Object On New checkbox deselected on the Objects page of the Options dialog, the Note element displays on your diagram; type your note text directly within the Note element
  • If you have the checkbox selected, the Notes window displays; type your text in that window
    If you want to display the Notes information in a more readable layout, you can resize the dialog
    You can format the text if necessary, using the Notes toolbar at the top of the window. When you have completed the text, click on the OK button to save it



Notes Toolbar


To create a Text element, follow the steps below:



See Also


Drag the Text Element icon from the Common page of the Toolbox onto the diagram

The Notes window displays



Type your text in the window

If you want to display the Notes information in more readable layout, you can resize the dialog

You can format the text if necessary, using the Notes toolbar at the top of the window; when you have completed the text, click on the OK button to save it

Notes Toolbar


  • You can also create a note by clicking on the New Note icon (the text page) on the UML Elements toolbar and clicking on the diagram

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