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Generalization Sets

A Generalization Set enables you to specify the relationship of a group of Generalizations. Each Generalization is a binary relationship that relates a specific Classifier to a more general Classifier (e.g. from a class to its superclasses). Each Generalization Set defines a particular set of Generalization relationships that describe the way in which a general Classifier (or superclass) can be divided using specific subtypes.

Access:    connector context menu | Advanced | Generalization Set | New

How to:

To create a generalization set, follow the steps below



See also


Select the New menu option

The Generalization Set dialog displays



In the Name field, type the name of the Generalization set; for example, Gender



In the Power Type field, either:

  • Type a new power type, or
  • Click on the drop-down arrow or browser button (  ...  ) and select an existing one from the Select <Item> dialog

Select <Item> Dialog


Check the IsMember column for the child subtypes that are part of this Generalization set