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Tree Style Hierarchy

In Enterprise Architect you can create a tree style inheritance diagram using a special form of the Generalization connector, as shown below.


How To:

To create a tree style connector, follow the steps below



See also


Create a normal Generalization between two elements



Right-click on the connector to open the context menu



Select the Line Style | Tree Style - Vertical or the Line Style | Tree Style - Horizontal menu option



Enterprise Architect automatically makes the Generalization layout conform to a specific shape

By adding more Generalization connectors, and checking their Tree Style options, you can achieve the appearance of the diagram above

You can slide the root and child Classes left and right to achieve the required result; Enterprise Architect maintains the conformity of the branch connectors



To set this style of connector as default, follow the steps below:



See also


Select the Tools | Options | Links menu option

The Links page of the Options dialog displays.



Select the Generalization link style Default = Tree checkbox to make this branching style the default style for inheritance connectors



  • In the example diagram, the Son ->Parent connector has not yet been put in Tree Style - Vertical style
  • This style of diagram provides a clearer layout for inheritance hierarchies and is easy to work with