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Label Menu Section

You can add labels to both connectors and elements, using the element or connector context menu as follows:

  • Element:
  • Select the Embedded Elements menu option and either the Add <element> option or the Embedded Elements option; the label is the embedded element name
  • Apply an alternative image to an element (that might also have a run state; the run state, attributes and operations of the element are then displayed as a label of the element
  • Connector - Select the Properties option and define the connector name, stereotype, constraints and/or source and target roles

Once you have these labels, you can edit and format them using the Labels context menu.

Access:     Right-click on a label


The Labels context menu associated with embedded elements provides the following options:




See also

Set Label Color

Specify a color for the label.



Hide Label

Hide the label; to unhide the label, right-click on the element and select the Appearance | Show labels context menu option.


Appearance Menu section


Set the label font to bold.



Text Alignment

Align the text within the label text area. The options available from the submenu enable you to specify left, center and right alignment.



Label Rotation

Orient the label in the horizontal or vertical planes, with the vertical plane offering the option of clockwise or anti-clockwise position.



Default Position

Move the label to the initial default location.



Default Color

Set the label color to the default color.




The Labels menu associated with connectors provides the following options:




See also

Set Label Color

Specify a color for the label.



Hide Label

Hide the label; to unhide the label use the Visibility | Set Label Visibility option on the connector context menu.


Set Label Visibility


Set the label font to bold.



Text Alignment

Align the text within the label text area. The options available from the submenu enable you to specify left, center and right alignment.



Label Rotation

Orientate the label horizontally or vertically and, if vertically, in a clockwise or anti-clockwise position.




Set a small arrow at the end of the label pointing to either the label source or the destination dependent upon selection from the available options.

Label Direction

This is part of the label, so if there is no label there is no direction indicator.



Default Position

Move the label to the default location.



Default Color

Set the label color to the initial default color.




  • As labels can be concentrated on and around the element or connector, make sure that you click on a section of the required label that is clear of any other label or structure

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