Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Projects and Teams
Enterprise Architect helps you to create projects for development under a range of work conditions, from single user/local access through to multiple-role teams working in a distributed environment. You both protect and manage the model data itself, and communicate information on the data in the form of documentation and reports, using facilities such as those listed below.
Topic |
Link |
Creating a project in a simple, file-based repository (.EAP file ) |
Creating the project in one of a range of DBMS repositories - these provide for larger models with more concurrently connected users (Corporate and extended editions) |
Tools for enabling team or multiple-user development in the project |
Tools for managing change within the model |
A variety of tools for managing modeling and project activities |
Maintaining the integrity of the project data |
Sharing the reference data used across the project, between models and between projects |
Enabling each user to configure their personal preferences for how project tools display and behave on their workstation |
You can have recorded discussion and communication of decisions using the Team Review |
Managing work and resources allocated to tasks |
Communicating and collaborating on model development through the Model Mail facilities |
Tracking important project events, resource issues and allocations through the Project Calendar |
Documenting your model through RTF or HTML reports, which you can tailor to your purposes |