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CSV Specifications

To import and export element data to and from Enterprise Architect using CSV files, you must first set up one or more file specifications.

A file specification defines the:

  • Fields from the spreadsheet in the order they are imported or exported
  • Filename (optional) and
  • Delimiter between columns

Once you have defined one or more specifications, one can be selected in the CSV Import/Export dialog as the current specification to apply during an import or export action.

CSV Import/Exports only imports and exports elements (within packages) and their properties; items such as Class attributes cannot be imported or exported through this mechanism.

XMI import/export provides a solution to this limitation, as does use of the Automation Interface (Object Model).

Access:    Project | Model Import/Export | CSV Import/Export Specifications

How to:

To define a specification:

  • Select the CSV Import/Export Specifications menu option
  • The CSV Import/Export Specification dialog displays; complete the fields as required, as indicated in the following table:



See also

Specification Name

Select the unique name for this specification



Specify the character delimiter to use between record fields

If a field contains an instance of the delimiter, the field is exported wrapped in " (quotation marks) and all instances of " in the field are doubled (that is, " becomes "")



Record a brief description of the specification


Default Filename

Select the default filename


Default Direction

Set the default action - Import or Export

A specification can be used in either direction, but this enables you to set the default type


Default Types

Limit the element types being exported, by entering a comma-separated list: for example: class,requirement,component,node,object.

  • If you specify element types, ONLY elements of those types are exported or imported; therefore, in order to enable the Preserve Hierarchy option to operate (if selected) you must include Package as an element type, otherwise there are no packages in which to preserve the hierarchy
  • If you do not specify any default element types, all elements including Packages are exported or imported and the hierarchy can be preserved


Preserve Hierarchy

Include fields generated by Enterprise Architect to embed/reconstruct the package hierarchy

Using Preserve Hierarchy

Available Fields

Select from a list of possible record fields, not yet allocated


File Specification

List the record fields (in the order they are plotted across the spreadsheet) already assigned


Add Field

Move all selected fields in the top list to the bottom list


Remove Field

Move all selected fields in the bottom list back to the available list



Create a new specification



Save changes to the currently selected specification


Save As

Save the current specification with a new name



Delete the current specification



Close this dialog



  • In Available Fields and File Specification, the record fields Created Date and Modified Date are not set when imported from CSV

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