Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Report Deletion of Cross Package References

When saving an XMI 1.1 controlled package, if the Report Cross Package Reference Deletions (XMI 1.1) option is set in the Options dialog, Enterprise Architect compares the package being exported with the latest XMI 1.1 revision of the package.




See also


Master.eap contains two controlled packages - Package1 and Package2




You now import just the controlled package, Package2, into a new .eap file, New.eap

Since New.eap does not contain Package1 (and hence its element Class1), Enterprise Architect cannot show Class1 and the Association connector on the diagram Package2

When the package Package2 is exported to XMI from New.eap, the XMI file does not contain the information that the diagram Package2 used to contain the element Class1 and the Association connector

If you import this XMI file into Master.eap, Enterprise Architect removes the element Class1 and the Association connector from the diagram Package2


Identify Cross-Package References

In order to retain such cross-package references in XMI 1.1, you can set the Report Cross Package Reference Deletions (XMI 1.1) option so that when you save a controlled package, Enterprise Architect compares the latest XMI 1.1 revision of the package with the package being exported

Any items that are missing from the package are listed on the Missing Cross References dialog

XML Specifications


To merge missing items, as identified in the Missing Cross References dialog, into the XMI file that is being saved:

  • Select the checkbox against each item type
  • Click on the OK button

If you do not select any items, they are omitted from the saved XMI file


To abort or cancel this XMI Export (or Check-in, or Put Latest) operation

  • Click on the Cancel button


To review the details of an entry:

  • Double-click on the type

The details of each item are shown on the Missing <item type> dialog


You can copy a value from any of the columns in this dialog to the clipboard:

  • Click on the column value to highlight it; the selected value is shown in the bottom left corner of the dialog
  • Copy that value to the clipboard ( Ctrl+C )