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Synchronize Replicas

Synchronizing replicas combines the changes made to each file.

Access:   Tools | Data Management | Manage .EAP File | Synchronize Replicas

Use to:

  • Merge the changes made to each replica with the design master, so that a new set of replicas with all changes can be generated and distributed
  • Combine the changes made to two replicas, should it be necessary for two team members to combine their work

How to:

To synchronize replicas, follow the steps below:




Open the design master project file (or the first required replica)


Select the Synchronize Replicas menu option


Locate and select the (second) required replica to merge the open project and the replica


  • Information is copied both ways, including deletes, updates and inserts; both projects end up containing identical information
  • If this process generates 'conflicting changes' errors, you should review and, if necessary, resolve these conflicts
  • In the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, System Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have Manage Replicas permission to create a replica

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