Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
The Project Information Window
The Project Information window documents tasks and issues that relate directly to the current project, and enables you to view and develop the project glossary of terms.
Access: View | More Project Tools | Project Information ( Alt+2 )
Use to:
Usage |
See also |
Review major project tasks that require attention; you can filter tasks based on their current status |
Review events, occurrences and situations that impact on project development and delivery |
Review the technical and business terms already defined for a model You can add to the list, delete or change items, and filter the list to exclude by type |
You can add or work on an item in the Project Information window by right-clicking (context menu) or double-clicking on the blank or completed item line.
- Right-clicking in the Project Information window displays a context menu that has options for filtering tasks/issues by status, and glossary by term; you can also rearrange the sort-order by clicking in the title bar of the column that the items are to be indexed on